Call or Text: (720) 534-5609


Attention: Real Estate Investors

Want To Have Motivated Sellers Reaching Out To YOU... Without Spending Tons Of Time Or Money?

To:  Real Estate Estate Investors

From:  Paul Prestwich

Let’s face it… The same basic things keep most people from achieving their goals:

Fear and uncertainty.

It’s no different when trying to find seller leads for real estate investing.

   …Maybe you’ve tried cheap marketing methods that haven’t worked.

   …Maybe it’s hard to be consistent with your chosen plan.

   …Perhaps you’re unsure about which marketing methods provide the best return on investment.

   …Maybe you’re overwhelmed thinking about all the steps it can take to find motivated sellers.

The fact is this:

Most of the "popular" lead-generation strategies -- cold-calling, bandit signs, driving for dollars, postcards, door-knocking, referrals, etc. -- each have MAJOR drawbacks.

They are:


  ❌  Complicated

  ❌  Unreliable

  ❌  Intimidating

  ❌  Not scalable

  ❌  Time-consuming

  ❌  VERY difficult to implement beyond your local market

When I started my own real estate investing business, I knew for certain that I didn’t want ANY of that!

Here’s what I DID want:

✔️ Inexpensive leads

✔️ Leads who would reach out to me FIRST

✔️ An easy-to-use system

✔️ A system that would create reliable lead-flow

✔️ Leads I could get from virtually anywhere in the U.S.

✔️ A system that would allow me to scale my business

I Ultimately Chose Facebook Ads As The Method I Hoped Would Lead To Success

After studying for two years to learn about the technology, systems, and procedures required to manage my own Facebook ad campaign, I finally had the courage to hit “go.”

Right from the start, my campaign was much more successful than I had hoped for:

I had “cracked the code” on Facebook advertising for seller leads!

I’m Now Offering To Create The Same Powerful Lead-Generation System For You!

It’s called REI Hot Leads” and it works like this:

Using a powerful Facebook ad campaign that I’ll create and manage for you, you’ll have motivated sellers continually reaching out to YOU.

It’s a 100% done-for-you marketing system!

In just my first 2 months using this powerful system, it generated 412 seller leads and 5 executed contracts!

My return on investment?

With NO prior real estate investing experience, my net profit was $71 for every dollar spent on ads!

And while I can’t guarantee that you’ll achieve the same results, you’ll LOVE having this HIGHLY profitable lead-generating machine working for you!

And it IS a machine!

Want to get motivated seller leads fast?

Just call or text me at (720) 534-5609. Well set up a free strategy session to chat about it!

Here Are The 10 Benefits You’ll Receive From The “REI Hot Leads” System:

1. This system makes everything super simple for you.

Your leads will come to you instantly via text, so there’s NO need to learn any complicated technology.

With my system, you'll have seller leads coming to you within a few days!

2. The cost per lead is very low.

Because of my advanced knowledge of Facebook advertising, my 

- Ad copy

- Images

- Targeted marketing

- Lead capture systems

- Ad testing

- Ad buying strategies

- Systems integration

They're ALL designed to get you the highest number of seller leads for your budget. 

3. Instead of wasting time trying to figure out a bunch of complex marketing systems, you’ll spend your time talking to motivated sellers and working deals!

THAT is how you make money as a real estate investor!

4. The majority of leads will be off-market properties.

The more you talk to sellers of off-market properties, the more likely it is that you’ll make deals.

5. Sellers will reach out to you first, not the other way around.

In other words, no cold calling!

It’s almost always easier to work a deal with a motivated seller who reaches out to you first.

6. There’s NO need for an expensive website or complicated CRM.

If you already have a website, that’s great. If not, I’ll create one for you. And if you don’t have a CRM, I’ll set you up with a simple way to keep your leads organized.

7. There’s NO need to have a big personal presence on Facebook.

You don’t need to post on Facebook, and you won’t need to visit Facebook very often if you don’t want to.

If I needed to have a big personal presence on Facebook, my ad campaign never would’ve worked.

After all, I haven’t posted on my personal Facebook page since 2014 So it’s safe to say I’m not active on Facebook!

And yet I continue to get TONS of leads from my Facebook ad campaign!

8. This system is easily scalable.

Increasing your number of leads can happen pretty much at the push of a button. This will help you succeed RIGHT AWAY and GROW your business long-term!

9. Your seller leads will create multiple investing opportunities.

Depending on your investing focus, we can target certain types of leads:

- Wholesale

- Fix-and-flips

- Subject to / Seller finance deals

- Lease/options

- Work for equity

- Long-term rentals

- Short-term rentals

- And more!

10. Because of the diversity of lead types and where they’re located, you’ll have opportunities to partner with other investors across the country.

And if you want to target a specific geographic region (e.g., metro area, state, or group of states), we can definitely do that.

The awesome thing about the “REI Hot Leads” system is this:

It doesn’t matter where you LIVE or where you ARE in your business… You could be looking for your first deal or your next 10 deals.

Wherever you are right now

This Is the Fastest, Easiest, and Most Effective Way to Get Motivated Seller Leads!

As soon as you enroll, I’ll take care of everything for you.

I’ll set up all the assets and integrations needed to run a highly effective lead-generating Facebook campaign, and you’ll simply reap the benefits!

Once I get everything created for you, you’ll have motivated sellers reaching out to you consistently from then on!

You can have motivated sellers reaching out to you within days! 

Call or text me at (720) 534-5609 to get started.

Here’s the Cost to Have Me Create and Manage a High-Powered Facebook Campaign for You:

This system makes getting seller leads easier and less expensive than any other option.

For example, one of my mentors spent $25,000 on a postcard campaign to potential sellers.

The result?

ZERO leads!

And he’s a highly experienced real estate investor!

Another mentor paid an agency $10,000 to set up a Facebook campaign…

And then paid them $5,000/month to manage it.

In that last case, it was well worth it for him because of his highly profitable ROI.

If those costs seem beyond your reach, don’t worry a bit …

Your cost will be MUCH less than that!

The fee for me to create and manage your entire Facebook ad campaign is just $599/month.

Once you enroll, I’ll get your personal lead-generation MACHINE ready to launch in less than 2 weeks!

And then seller leads will start rolling in like magic!

You’ll also pay Facebook for the actual ads that will generate your seller leads.

That’s your ad budget, which is often called “ad spend.”

I recommend that you start with an ad budget of about $10-20/day.

And yes, you CAN get seller leads with that daily ad budget!

And the great thing with this system is that you can easily scale back or scale up your daily ad budget at any time. Just let me know and I’ll quickly take care of any changes for you.

Of course, the higher your ad spend, the more leads you’ll typically receive.

I started my first Facebook campaign with an ad budget of $35/day, but I quickly had to decrease that amount because I was struggling to keep up with the large number of leads!

Having TOO MANY leads is a such a great problem to have!

And in case you were wondering, you’ll never have to sign a long-term contract.

But I do recommend that you use the REI Hot Leads system for at least a few months.

It’s important to give yourself time to learn and build momentum.

You need to give yourself time to work some deals!

I anticipate that when you see leads start rolling in, we’ll have a long, happy, and highly successful working relationship!

Now You Have A Choice:

You can spend LOTS of time, money, and effort to learn how to create all the systems required to run a successful Facebook campaign.

- OR -

You can use a proven done-for-you system to get motivated sellers to reach out to you!

Check out the following string of texts I recently received, all containing contact information for motivated sellers who responded to one of my Facebook ads. In particular, note the time the leads came in:

I love getting seller leads while I sleep!

And the same thing can happen for YOU with this system!

Heres What To Do Next:

If you want to get an awesome return for your marketing dollars and jumpstart your real estate investing business…

Your next step is call or text me at (720) 534-5609 to schedule a FREE 30-minute strategy session with me.

During this call, we’ll talk about your investing goals

And we’ll strategize about how you can totally rock as a real estate investor!

We can also talk about any questions you might have about this POWERFUL lead-generating system.

And don’t worry…

There’s never any obligation or pressure.

If you see the value in becoming a client, great! And if you don’t want to enroll, that’s ok too.

So you can’t lose either way!

Call or text today: (720) 534-5609.

Please Note: Time Is A Factor

Because the REI Hot Leads system is both inexpensive and HIGHLY effective

The number of real estate investors who have enrolled is growing quickly.

But I can only work with a select number of investors.

That’s because on my end, it’s a time-consuming process to…

So during the next few months, I’m deliberately keeping my client base to a maximum of 20 investors.

As much as I’d like to work with everyone

I simply can’t accept more than that and still maintain the same level of service you NEED in order to get the results you want.

So with that said, the window of opportunity to enroll at this price won’t be open long.

If you want a completely done-for-you system that brings motivated sellers to you like magic

Schedule your call with me:

Call or text: (720) 534-5609

Thank you! Happy investing!